Author: Christopher Klein

About Author Hey there, history enthusiasts! Allow me to introduce you to the talented and versatile author, Christopher Klein. With a passion for all things history, Christopher has made a name for himself as a specialist in this fascinating field. You won't want to miss out on his latest literary masterpiece, "When the Irish Invaded Canada: The Incredible True Story of the Civil War Veterans Who Fought for Ireland's Freedom," published by Doubleday in 2019. In this captivating book, Christopher takes us on a thrilling journey back in time to uncover the mind-blowing saga of a group of Irish-American revolutionaries. These fearless individuals embarked on a daring mission to free Ireland from British rule by launching not one, not two, but five audacious attacks on the British colony of Canada between 1866 and 1871. These audacious assaults, famously referred to as the Fenian Raids, are the stuff of legends. But that's not all Christopher has to offer. He has also penned other remarkable works such as "Strong Boy: The Life and Times of John L. Sullivan, America's First Sports Hero," as well as "Discovering the Boston Harbor Islands: A Guide to the City's Hidden Shores" and "The Die-Hard Sports Fan's Guide to Boston." Clearly, this man knows how to keep readers hooked with his intriguing storytelling skills. When he's not busy crafting engaging narratives, Christopher can be found sharing his insights on, the online platform of the History Channel. Additionally, he has contributed his expertise to prestigious publications like the Boston Globe, New York Times, National Geographic Traveler, Harvard Magazine, Red Sox Magazine,,, and With his wealth of experience and knowledge, Christopher has firmly established himself as an authority in history writing. Despite his accomplishments, Christopher remains down-to-earth and loves spending quality time with his loving wife and two children in their cozy home in Andover, Massachusetts. If you're eager to delve deeper into his captivating works or simply want to stay updated on his latest endeavors, be sure to visit So, fellow history buffs, make sure to keep an eye out for Christopher Klein's extraordinary tales that bring history to life. With his unique storytelling style, immersive research, and captivating narratives, he is guaranteed to transport you to a world that existed long before our time. Trust me, you won't want to miss out on this incredible journey!