Author: Andre Gonzalez

About Author Hey there! Let me introduce you to an incredible author in the world of books - Andre Gonzalez. Have you ever heard of the Wealth of Time Series? Well, Andre is the brilliant mind behind this international bestselling series. His books fall into the genres of time-travel, thriller, and horror, and let me tell you, they are absolutely captivating! One might wonder how someone becomes such a talented writer. Well, Andre's path to becoming a successful author took him through countless hours of reading and studying the works of literary giants like Stephen King and Dean Koontz. Their mastery of storytelling and ability to keep readers on the edge of their seats inspired Andre to create his own unique brand of thrilling tales. What sets Andre's books apart is his unrelenting drive to keep readers engaged till the last page. He wants you to stay up all night, eagerly turning the pages, feeling your heart race a little faster with each suspenseful moment. Andre pours his heart and soul into his writing, carefully crafting every word to create an immersive experience for his readers. In recognition of his exceptional talent, Andre was honored with the prestigious Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers 2021 Independent Writer of the Year award. This award is a testament to his dedication and the high caliber of his work. Now, let's take a peek into Andre's personal life. When he's not weaving captivating stories, you'll often find him buried underneath a never-ending to-do list. But there's more to Andre's world. He's a loving father to three incredibly energetic children, which undoubtedly keeps him on his toes. Together with his wife, he's raising his family in the beautiful city of Denver, CO, his beloved hometown. So, if you're looking for a thrill-packed adventure that will transport you through time and leave your heart pounding, look no further than Andre Gonzalez and his gripping novels. Embrace yourself for an unforgettable reading experience that will have you eagerly awaiting his next masterpiece.