The Power of Good News Audiobook Cover

The Power of Good News

Joe Bronzi

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The Power of Good News: Shifting Your Perspective for a Healthier Mind


Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the constant stream of negative news in the media? It's no secret that stories of conflict, violence, and division dominate the headlines, leaving us feeling stressed and anxious. But what if there was a way to break free from this cycle and focus on the positive and uplifting stories all around us?

The Impact of Media Bias

The media has a natural tendency to thrive on bad news. It grabs our attention and keeps us coming back for more. In recent years, the political climate has become increasingly vitriolic and divisive, exacerbating the negativity in the news. On top of that, technology has made it nearly impossible to escape the constant barrage of news updates. It's no wonder that many people are feeling mentally exhausted and emotionally drained.

Choosing How We Consume News

Just as junk food can negatively impact our physical health, consuming too much negative news can have a detrimental effect on our mental well-being. Hal Urban, author of "The Power of Good News," argues that we have the power to nourish our minds by choosing how we consume news. Rather than surrendering all our choice to external forces, we can actively seek out positive and inspiring stories.

Signs of Progress and Acts of Kindness

The world is filled with countless signs of progress and acts of kindness if we only know where to look. While the media may not always highlight these stories, they are happening every day. From communities coming together to support those in need, to individuals making a difference in their own unique ways, there is no shortage of positivity in the world.

Finding Gratitude in Our Own Lives

In addition to the larger acts of kindness and progress, it's important to recognize the positive aspects in our own lives. Our relationships with family and friends, the simple beauties of nature, and the everyday generosities we experience often go unnoticed. By shifting our perspective and focusing on these small blessings, we can cultivate a sense of gratitude and contentment.

The Mind-Body Connection

In "The Power of Good News," Hal Urban highlights the importance of taking care of our mental health just as we do our physical health. As Zig Ziglar famously said, "You are what you are because of what goes into your mind." By consciously choosing to consume positive news and uplifting stories, we can improve our overall well-being and create a healthier mindset.


It's time to break free from the endless cycle of negative news and take control of our mental health. "The Power of Good News" offers practical strategies for finding positivity in a media-driven world. With Hal Urban as our guide, we can learn to nourish our minds and focus on the uplifting stories that often go unnoticed. So, why not start today? Choose to prioritize your mental well-being and embrace the power of good news.

Additional Info

Book Name: The Power of Good News
Book Format: AudiobookFormat
Authors: Hal Urban
Narrators: Joe Bronzi
Genres: Relationships, Parenting & Personal Development
Audiobook Length: 3H8M
Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers
Language: English
Publish Date: 2021-03-24
Last Price: 14.95 USD

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is the main focus of the book 'The Power of Good News'?

The main focus of the book is to show how to find the positive and uplifting aspects in the midst of the media's bias towards negative stories and divisive content.

Why is the media's bias towards bad news considered bad for our health?

The media's bias towards bad news can negatively affect our mental health and well-being. Constant exposure to stories of conflict, violence, and division can lead to feelings of anxiety, stress, and hopelessness.

What impact does technology have on the reach of news?

Technology has significantly increased the reach of news, making it feel inescapable. With the rise of smartphones and social media, news can now be accessed and consumed from anywhere at any time.

According to the book, how can we nourish our minds when consuming news?

According to the book, we can nourish our minds by actively choosing how we consume news. By being selective and seeking out positive stories and acts of kindness, we can maintain a more positive and uplifting mindset.

What do we give up when we surrender all our news consumption choices to external forces?

When we surrender all our news consumption choices to external forces, we give up our growth, freedom, and mental health. Allowing media and external influences to dictate our news consumption limits our perspective and hinders personal development.

What does the book suggest about the existence of signs of progress and acts of kindness in the world?

The book suggests that there are countless signs of progress and acts of kindness all around the world, if we know where to look. It emphasizes that these positive aspects exist alongside the negative ones that typically dominate the news.

What are some positive aspects in our own lives that we often overlook?

The book highlights that we often take for granted positive aspects in our own lives such as family, friends, simple beauties, and everyday generosities. It encourages readers to appreciate and acknowledge these blessings.

How does the book connect the consumption of news to one's overall mindset?

The book connects the consumption of news to one's overall mindset by emphasizing the quote, 'You are what you are because of what goes into your mind.' It suggests that the content we consume, including news, shapes our thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes.

Who is the author of 'The Power of Good News'?

The author of 'The Power of Good News' is Hal Urban.

Who is the publisher of 'The Power of Good News'?

The publisher of 'The Power of Good News' is Berrett-Koehler Publishers.


13 reviews for this audiobook
  • Sa
    Sarah Johnson 22-Oct-2023

    I just finished listening to 'The Power of Good News' by Hal Urban, and let me tell you, it was incredible! The author's insights on the impact of positive news in our lives are truly eye-opening. Urban's writing style is engaging and kept me hooked from start to finish. I highly recommend this audiobook to anyone interested in harnessing the power of good news. 5 stars!

  • Mi
    Michael Thompson 28-Oct-2023

    Wow! 'The Power of Good News' by Hal Urban is a game-changer. Urban's storytelling skills are exceptional, making the audiobook a joy to listen to. It's packed with inspiring stories and practical tips on how to embrace positivity in our daily lives. I can't recommend it enough. 5 out of 5 stars for sure!

  • Em
    Emily Davis 07-Nov-2023

    'The Power of Good News' by Hal Urban is a breath of fresh air. It reminds us of the importance of focusing on positive news amidst all the negativity in the world. Urban's anecdotes and examples are relatable, and his optimism is contagious. This audiobook is a must-listen! 5-star rating from me.

  • Ja
    Jason Anderson 22-Nov-2023

    I stumbled upon 'The Power of Good News' by Hal Urban, and I'm so glad I did. Urban's perspective on the impact of good news is refreshing and thought-provoking. The audiobook is well-narrated and easy to follow. I found myself feeling more uplifted and motivated after listening to it. Highly recommended! 5 stars!

  • So
    Sophia Mitchell 26-Nov-2023

    Hal Urban's 'The Power of Good News' is like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. It emphasizes the transformative power of positive stories and how they can influence our mindset and overall well-being. The audiobook offers practical tips on incorporating more good news into our lives. I absolutely loved it! 5-star rating.

  • Da
    David Johnson 26-Dec-2023

    'The Power of Good News' by Hal Urban is a treasure trove of optimism. Urban's writing style is engaging and relatable, making the audiobook an enjoyable listen. It's an uplifting reminder of the positive impact good news can have on our lives. Highly recommended for anyone needing a positivity boost! 5 stars.

  • Em
    Emma Wilson 07-Jan-2024

    I cannot recommend 'The Power of Good News' by Hal Urban enough! This audiobook is a true gem. Urban's storytelling is captivating, and his insights into the power of positive news are inspiring. It's a powerful reminder to seek out and share uplifting stories. Definitely a 5-star rating from me!

  • Ry
    Ryan Thompson 11-Feb-2024

    If you're in need of a mood boost, 'The Power of Good News' by Hal Urban is the perfect audiobook for you. Urban's enthusiasm for the topic is infectious, and his words resonate deeply. It's a fantastic reminder of the positive impact good news can have on our lives. Highly recommended! 5 out of 5 stars.

  • Ol
    Olivia Roberts 22-Mar-2024

    'The Power of Good News' by Hal Urban is a game-changer. Urban provides a fresh perspective on the importance of focusing on positive news in our increasingly negative world. The audiobook is well-paced, and the narrating voice is pleasant to listen to. I cannot praise it enough. 5-star rating!

  • Da
    Daniel Wilson 18-Apr-2024

    Hal Urban's 'The Power of Good News' is a delightful audiobook that reminds us of the power of positivity. Urban's storytelling skills are exceptional, and his anecdotes are relatable. The book left me feeling motivated and inspired to seek out and share good news. Highly recommended! Definitely a 5-star rating.

  • So
    Sophie Anderson 28-Apr-2024

    'The Power of Good News' by Hal Urban is a true gem in the realm of positivity. Urban's insights are practical and actionable, making it easy to incorporate the power of good news into our lives. The audiobook is engaging and well-structured. I cannot recommend it highly enough. 5 out of 5 stars!

  • No
    Noah Davis 20-May-2024

    I was blown away by 'The Power of Good News' by Hal Urban. It's an audiobook that has the power to transform your mindset. Urban's narrative is filled with relatable stories that showcase the positive impact of good news on individuals and communities. An absolute must-listen! 5-star rating.

  • Gr
    Grace Thompson 19-Jul-2024

    Listening to 'The Power of Good News' by Hal Urban was an uplifting experience. Urban's passion for the topic shines through, and his practical tips on incorporating good news into our lives are valuable. I finished the audiobook feeling motivated and inspired. Highly recommended! 5 out of 5 stars.

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