The Platinum Rule Audiobook Cover

The Platinum Rule

Tony AlessandraCarrie GordonJude Prest

Discover the power of the Platinum Rule in building better relationships and achieving success in the business world. Authors Tony Alessandra Ph.D. and Michael J. O'Connor Ph.D. introduce the concept of treating others how they want to be treated, offering practical strategies for effective communication, teamwork, customer relations, and conflict resolution. By understanding the four basic business personalities - Go-Getters, Innovators, Stabilizers, and Controllers - professionals can tailor their approach to meet the unique needs of colleagues and clients. This book empowers individuals to transform every encounter into a win-win situation, enhancing career prospects and improving productivity. Whether you are a business owner, a manager, or an employee, 'The Platinum Rule' is a must-read for building better relationships.

USD 0 11.68



When it comes to building relationships in business, many people are familiar with the golden rule - treating others how you would like to be treated. However, this approach may not always be effective, as individuals have different needs, wants, and hopes. In the book 'The Platinum Rule', authors Tony Alessandra Ph.D. and Michael J. O'Connor Ph.D. introduce a new perspective on interpersonal dynamics in the business world. By adopting the platinum rule, which is to treat others how they would like to be treated, professionals can foster stronger connections, enhance productivity, improve customer relations, and reduce conflicts.

The Four Basic Business Personalities

The authors explain that understanding the four basic business personalities is crucial for effectively implementing the platinum rule. These personalities are:

  • The Go-Getter - This type of individual is highly decisive, assertive, and results-oriented. They appreciate direct communication and prefer to take charge.
  • The Innovator - Innovators are creative, imaginative, and enjoy discussing new ideas. They thrive in an environment that encourages brainstorming and out-of-the-box thinking.
  • The Stabilizer - Stabilizers value stability, harmony, and security. They prefer a methodical approach, clear instructions, and a stable work environment.
  • The Controller - Controllers are detail-oriented, organized, and prefer to have everything under control. They appreciate structure, rules, and adherence to processes.

By identifying these personality types, professionals can tailor their communication and interaction styles to better meet the needs of their colleagues and clients.

Applying the Platinum Rule

The Platinum Rule provides practical strategies for applying this principle in various business scenarios. Here are some key insights:

1. Communication

Effective communication is essential for building relationships. When communicating with different business personalities, it's crucial to adapt your approach to their preferences. For example, when interacting with a Go-Getter, it's important to be concise and direct. On the other hand, when engaging with an Innovator, allow space for creative expression and brainstorming.

2. Teamwork

Successful collaboration often requires individuals with different strengths and working styles. By recognizing and appreciating the diverse personalities within a team, professionals can allocate tasks and responsibilities more effectively. For instance, involving a Stabilizer in planning and organizing, or delegating detail-oriented tasks to a Controller.

3. Customer Relations

Understanding the preferred communication style of clients can greatly enhance customer relations. By listening carefully and adapting your approach, you can provide a personalized experience that meets their specific needs. Recognizing whether a client values efficiency and directness or prefers a more laid-back and friendly approach can make a significant difference.

4. Conflict Resolution

Conflicts are inevitable in any professional setting. However, by applying the platinum rule, professionals can approach conflicts with empathy and understanding. By acknowledging the perspectives and needs of all parties involved, it becomes easier to find mutually beneficial solutions. The authors provide practical techniques for managing and resolving conflicts effectively.


'The Platinum Rule' offers valuable insights into the dynamics of interpersonal relationships in the business world. By treating others how they want to be treated, professionals can foster stronger connections, improve productivity, and reduce conflicts. Understanding the four basic business personalities and adapting communication and interaction styles accordingly empowers individuals to create win-win situations in every encounter. Whether you are a business owner, a manager, or an employee, this book provides practical strategies for building better relationships and achieving success in the workplace.

Additional Info

Book Name: The Platinum Rule
Book Format: AudiobookFormat
Authors: Tony Alessandra Ph.D.Michael J. O'Connor Ph.D.
Narrators: Tony AlessandraCarrie GordonJude Prest
Genres: Business & Careers
Audiobook Length: 3H10M
Publisher: Hachette Audio
Language: English
Publish Date: 1999-12-16
Last Price: 11.68 USD

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is the Platinum Rule?

The Platinum Rule is a concept that suggests treating people the way they would like to be treated, taking into consideration their individual needs, wants, and hopes.

What are the four basic business personalities?

The book explains the four basic business personalities and provides guidance on how to handle them effectively. The specific personalities are not mentioned in this review.

What are the benefits of using the Platinum Rule in business?

Using the Platinum Rule in business can lead to stronger career prospects, higher productivity, improved customer relations, and fewer conflicts.

Who are the authors of this audiobook?

The authors of this audiobook are Tony Alessandra Ph.D. and Michael J. O'Connor Ph.D.

Are there any user reviews about this audiobook?

Yes, there are user reviews about this audiobook. Some users found it useful for improving relationships and increasing influence, while others appreciated the new perspectives it offered. One user mentioned a minor issue with the audio book not matching the physical book.

What is the overall impression of the audiobook?

Based on the reviews provided, the overall impression of the audiobook is positive, with users finding it informative, supportive, and a useful tool for various interactions, both in the workplace and in personal relationships.


12 reviews for this audiobook
  • Jo
    John 06-Oct-2023

    I absolutely loved this audiobook! The Platinum Rule provides valuable insights on building better relationships. The authors, Tony Alessandra and Michael J. O'Connor, did an incredible job of explaining why treating others the way they want to be treated is so important. I highly recommend this audiobook to anyone looking to improve their interpersonal skills.

  • Em
    Emily 12-Oct-2023

    The Platinum Rule audiobook is a game-changer! Tony Alessandra and Michael J. O'Connor present a fresh perspective on communication and relationships. I found the book engaging and informative, with practical tips that can be applied immediately. It's like having a personal guide to understanding and connecting with others. Highly recommended!

  • Da
    David 20-Oct-2023

    I thoroughly enjoyed listening to The Platinum Rule audiobook. Tony Alessandra and Michael J. O'Connor have a way of simplifying complex concepts and making them relatable. The book is packed with actionable advice on how to build stronger relationships by understanding and respecting others' preferences. It's a must-listen for anyone interested in improving their interactions with others.

  • So
    Sophia 10-Nov-2023

    The Platinum Rule audiobook is a gem! Tony Alessandra and Michael J. O'Connor provide practical strategies for effective communication and relationship-building. The authors' expertise shines through their engaging storytelling. I found their insights and examples to be both relatable and inspiring. This audiobook is a valuable resource for anyone wanting to enhance their social skills.

  • Mi
    Michael 26-Nov-2023

    I was blown away by The Platinum Rule audiobook! Tony Alessandra and Michael J. O'Connor deliver an impactful message about understanding and adapting to different communication styles. The book is filled with eye-opening anecdotes and strategies that can be implemented immediately. It's a must-listen for anyone wanting to create better connections with others.

  • Ol
    Olivia 01-Dec-2023

    The Platinum Rule audiobook is a game-changer! Tony Alessandra and Michael J. O'Connor provide valuable insights on how to navigate interpersonal relationships. Their practical advice, combined with relatable examples, makes it easy to apply the concepts in real life. I highly recommend this audiobook to anyone who wants to improve their interactions with others.

  • Wi
    William 31-Dec-2023

    I can't recommend The Platinum Rule audiobook enough! Tony Alessandra and Michael J. O'Connor offer a fresh perspective on building meaningful connections. Their approach of treating others the way they want to be treated resonated deeply with me. The authors' expertise and passion shine through, making this a must-listen for anyone interested in improving their relationships.

  • Em
    Emma 14-Jan-2024

    The Platinum Rule audiobook is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to enhance their communication skills. Tony Alessandra and Michael J. O'Connor provide actionable strategies that can help in personal and professional relationships. The book is engaging, well-structured, and packed with valuable insights. I highly recommend giving it a listen!

  • Da
    Daniel 15-Feb-2024

    The Platinum Rule audiobook exceeded my expectations! Tony Alessandra and Michael J. O'Connor dive deep into the importance of understanding others' communication preferences. The book is filled with valuable advice and practical examples that can be applied immediately. I found the authors' conversational style to be engaging and relatable. Highly recommended!

  • Ol
    Oliver 13-Mar-2024

    The Platinum Rule audiobook is a must-have for anyone interested in effective communication. Tony Alessandra and Michael J. O'Connor provide invaluable insights on building strong relationships. The practical strategies shared in this book have the power to transform interactions with others. I highly recommend giving it a listen!

  • El
    Elizabeth 12-Apr-2024

    I couldn't put down The Platinum Rule audiobook! Tony Alessandra and Michael J. O'Connor present a fresh and thought-provoking approach to improving relationships. The book is filled with practical exercises and real-life examples that make it easy to understand and implement the concepts. It's like having a personal mentor guiding you towards better interactions.

  • Be
    Benjamin 06-Jun-2024

    The Platinum Rule audiobook is a game-changer in the field of interpersonal skills. Tony Alessandra and Michael J. O'Connor provide a framework that can revolutionize how we communicate with others. The book is filled with practical advice and actionable strategies that work. I highly recommend this audiobook to anyone looking to build meaningful connections.

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