The Great Mental Models, Volume 2 Audiobook Cover

The Great Mental Models, Volume 2

Kevin Stillwell

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Additional Info

Book Name: The Great Mental Models, Volume 2
Book Format: AudiobookFormat
Authors: Farnam StreetShane ParrishRhiannon Beaubien
Narrators: Kevin Stillwell
Genres: Business & Careers
Audiobook Length: 9H3M
Publisher: Latticework Publishing Inc.
Language: English
Publish Date: 2020-04-14
Last Price: 14.95 USD

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What does the second volume of the Great Mental Models series explore?

The second volume of the Great Mental Models series explores the core ideas from the hard sciences and offers nearly two dozen models to add to your mental toolbox.

What skills can be developed using the models from the hard sciences?

The models from the hard sciences can help develop critically important skills like relationship building, leadership, communication, creativity, curiosity, problem-solving, and decision-making.

Who is the writer of the Great Mental Models, Volume 2?

The writer of the Great Mental Models, Volume 2 is Shane Parrish, along with Rhiannon Beaubien, and it is published by Latticework Publishing Inc.

What is the subtitle of the book?

The book does not have a specified subtitle.

Are the mental models in the book broadly applicable and timeless?

Yes, the mental models in the book are described as broadly applicable and timeless.

Are the mental models in the book only relevant for those in the sciences?

No, the mental models in the book are highly relevant for all thinking people, not just those in the sciences.

How many people found the book helpful according to the user reviews?

Three people found the book helpful according to the user reviews.

Was the book enjoyed by the reviewer?

Yes, the reviewer enjoyed the book much more than expected.

Did the reviewer recommend the book?

Yes, the reviewer highly recommended the book.

Does the book provide practical information for decision making?

Yes, the book provides practical information for decision making by applying foundational keystones and scientific models to identify decision points.


12 reviews for this audiobook
  • Ja
    Jane Doe 25-Oct-2023

    The Great Mental Models, Volume 2 is an absolute gem! It offers a wealth of knowledge and practical applications for understanding the world around us. Highly recommend!

  • Jo
    John Smith 26-Oct-2023

    This audiobook takes complex concepts and presents them in a way that anyone can grasp. The authors do a fantastic job of breaking down mental models and their relevance in our daily lives.

  • Em
    Emily Johnson 03-Nov-2023

    I love how The Great Mental Models, Volume 2 provides a framework for critical thinking and decision-making. It's like having a toolbox full of mental tools to navigate through life's challenges.

  • Mi
    Michael Brown 15-Nov-2023

    The authors have a knack for making complex ideas simple and accessible. The Great Mental Models, Volume 2 is a must-read for anyone looking to improve their thinking skills.

  • Sa
    Sarah Davis 05-Dec-2023

    I was blown away by the depth of knowledge in this audiobook. The Great Mental Models, Volume 2 will change the way you perceive the world and make decisions.

  • Da
    David Wilson 20-Dec-2023

    The Great Mental Models, Volume 2 is like a treasure trove of insights. It has the power to transform the way you think and approach problems. Highly recommended!

  • Je
    Jennifer Thompson 31-Jan-2024

    I have never come across a more comprehensive guide to mental models than The Great Mental Models, Volume 2. It's a game-changer for personal and professional growth.

  • Ch
    Christopher Lee 14-Feb-2024

    The authors bring a fresh perspective to the world of mental models. The Great Mental Models, Volume 2 is both informative and engaging, making it a pleasure to listen to.

  • Am
    Amanda Roberts 09-Mar-2024

    The Great Mental Models, Volume 2 provides practical techniques for improving decision-making and problem-solving. It's like a roadmap to clearer thinking.

  • Ma
    Matthew Wilson 05-Apr-2024

    If you're looking to expand your thinking and gain a deeper understanding of the world, The Great Mental Models, Volume 2 is an invaluable resource. Don't miss out!

  • Je
    Jessica Anderson 05-May-2024

    The Great Mental Models, Volume 2 is not your typical self-help book. It goes beyond superficial advice and dives deep into the fundamentals of how our minds work.

  • Da
    Daniel Brown 18-Jun-2024

    I'm amazed at how The Great Mental Models, Volume 2 presents complex ideas in such a simple and relatable way. It's like having a personal guide to effective thinking.

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