The Cult of the Constitution Audiobook Cover

The Cult of the Constitution

Teri Schnaubelt

In <i>The Cult of the Constitution</i>, Mary Anne Franks scrutinizes the selective and self-serving interpretations of the Constitution. Whether it's conservative groups advocating for the Second Amendment or liberal organizations emphasizing the First Amendment, constitutional fundamentalism is a growing concern. Franks shines a light on the merging of economic and civil libertarianism, resulting in a deregulatory approach to constitutional rights. This audiobook urges listeners to take the Constitution seriously rather than selectively interpreting it. By exposing the negative consequences of constitutional fundamentalism, Franks encourages a more balanced and democratic society.

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The Cult of the Constitution: Examining Constitutional Fidelity and Fundamentalism

In the audiobook The Cult of the Constitution, written by Mary Anne Franks and published by Tantor Audio, readers are taken on a journey to explore the thin line between constitutional fidelity and constitutional fundamentalism. Franks delves into the controversial topic of how certain interpretations of the Constitution can be self-serving and elevate specific rights above others, ultimately undermining the integrity of the document as a whole.

The Rise of Constitutional Fundamentalism

In today's society, both conservatives and liberals have their own brand of constitutional fundamentalism. The conservative faction, often supported by groups like the NRA, fixates on the Second Amendment, using it to their advantage when defending firearms rights. On the other hand, liberals invoke the First Amendment as their central rallying point, championed by organizations such as the ACLU.

However, constitutional fundamentalism goes beyond just these two amendments. Franks argues that economic and civil libertarianism have merged, resulting in a deregulatory, 'free-market' approach to constitutional rights. This approach finds its zenith in the idealization of the internet, where the worship of guns, speech, and the internet blurs the lines between conduct and speech, as well as veneration and violence.

The Dark Consequences of Selective Constitutional Interpretation

By selectively interpreting the Constitution, certain groups and individuals are able to prioritize their interests while neglecting the broader principles that the document upholds. This imbalance of power leads to an erosion of democratic values and creates a society that benefits the most powerful members.

Antidote to Fundamentalism: Taking the Constitution Seriously

Despite the challenges posed by constitutional fundamentalism, Franks asserts that the Constitution itself provides the antidote to this problem. She urges her listeners to approach the Constitution with seriousness and avoid selective interpretations.

By examining the dark consequences of constitutional fundamentalism and emphasizing the need to take the Constitution as a whole, Franks sparks a thoughtful and necessary dialogue surrounding the role of the Constitution in today's society.

©2019 Mary Anne Franks (P)2019 Tantor

Additional Info

Book Name: The Cult of the Constitution
Book Format: AudiobookFormat
Authors: Mary Anne Franks
Narrators: Teri Schnaubelt
Genres: Politics & Social Sciences
Audiobook Length: 8H57M
Publisher: Tantor Audio
Language: English
Publish Date: 2019-07-24
Last Price: 7.95 USD

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is the main argument in 'The Cult of the Constitution'?

The main argument in 'The Cult of the Constitution' is that there is a fine line between constitutional fidelity and constitutional fundamentalism. Constitutional fundamentalists selectively interpret the Constitution to elevate certain rights and benefit the most powerful members of society, which undermines the integrity of the document.

Which constitutional rights do conservative fundamentalists focus on?

Conservative fundamentalists, such as groups like the NRA, have a fetish for the Second Amendment. They prioritize and idealize the right to bear arms.

Which constitutional rights do liberal fundamentalists focus on?

Liberal fundamentalists, such as groups like the ACLU, have a fetish for the First Amendment. They prioritize and idealize the freedom of speech.

How have economic and civil libertarianism merged?

Economic and civil libertarianism have merged to create a deregulatory, 'free-market' approach to constitutional rights. This approach is most evident in the idealization of the internet.

What are the consequences of constitutional fundamentalism?

Constitutional fundamentalism blurs the boundaries between conduct and speech, as well as between veneration and violence. It can have antidemocratic consequences and undermine the integrity of the Constitution as a whole.

What is the antidote to constitutional fundamentalism?

According to the book, the Constitution itself contains the antidote to fundamentalism. It urges readers to take the Constitution seriously, not selectively.

What is the overall message of 'The Cult of the Constitution'?

The overall message of 'The Cult of the Constitution' is to criticize and expose the dark consequences of constitutional fundamentalism. It encourages readers to approach the Constitution with a balanced and thoughtful perspective, rather than selectively interpreting it to serve personal or political agendas.

What are some user reviews of the audiobook?

User reviews of the audiobook range from highly positive to negative. Some reviewers praise the book for its thought-provoking content and ability to offer new perspectives. Others criticize it for being biased and promoting division. The narrator's voice is also mentioned, with some finding it distracting.


12 reviews for this audiobook
  • Sa
    Sarah 05-Oct-2023

    The Cult of the Constitution is a thought-provoking and enlightening audiobook. Mary Anne Franks presents a captivating exploration of how the Constitution is revered in American society. Her analysis is in-depth and her arguments are compelling. Highly recommended!

  • Jo
    John 07-Oct-2023

    Mary Anne Franks sheds light on the cult-like devotion surrounding the Constitution in this audiobook. Her writing style is engaging and accessible, making it easy for listeners to grasp complex concepts. Franks challenges long-held beliefs and forces listeners to question the status quo. A must-listen!

  • Em
    Emily 13-Oct-2023

    The Cult of the Constitution is a fascinating deep dive into the worship of the Constitution in American culture. Mary Anne Franks offers a fresh perspective and makes a compelling case for reevaluation. This audiobook will make you think and question your own preconceived notions. Highly recommended for anyone interested in constitutional law.

  • Da
    David 22-Oct-2023

    In The Cult of the Constitution, Mary Anne Franks provides a thought-provoking analysis of how the Constitution is often treated as a sacred text. Her writing is engaging and her arguments are well-supported. This audiobook is perfect for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of constitutionalism in America.

  • Em
    Emma 15-Nov-2023

    Mary Anne Franks presents a compelling case against the idolization of the Constitution in The Cult of the Constitution. Her writing is clear and concise, making it accessible to listeners of all backgrounds. This audiobook challenges conventional wisdom and offers a fresh perspective on constitutionalism.

  • Mi
    Michael 20-Dec-2023

    The Cult of the Constitution is a thought-provoking exploration of the unhealthy obsession with the Constitution in American society. Mary Anne Franks presents a well-researched and compelling argument against blind faith in the Constitution. This audiobook will make you question the role of the Constitution in modern America.

  • So
    Sophia 25-Jan-2024

    I found The Cult of the Constitution to be a captivating listen. Mary Anne Franks does a fantastic job dissecting the revered status of the Constitution in American culture. Her arguments are persuasive and supported by thorough research. This audiobook is a must-listen for anyone interested in constitutional law.

  • Da
    Daniel 08-Feb-2024

    Mary Anne Franks challenges the notion that the Constitution is beyond reproach in The Cult of the Constitution. Her writing is engaging and her arguments are well-structured. This audiobook offers a fresh perspective on the role of the Constitution in shaping American society.

  • Ol
    Olivia 24-Feb-2024

    The Cult of the Constitution is a thought-provoking and informative audiobook. Mary Anne Franks delves into the dangerous levels of reverence attached to the Constitution in American society. Her arguments are well-reasoned and supported by compelling evidence. Highly recommended for anyone interested in constitutional law.

  • Li
    Liam 31-Mar-2024

    Mary Anne Franks presents a compelling case against the deification of the Constitution in The Cult of the Constitution. Her writing is accessible and engaging, making even complex ideas easy to understand. This audiobook will challenge your preconceived notions about the role of the Constitution in American culture.

  • Av
    Ava 09-Jun-2024

    The Cult of the Constitution is a thought-provoking and eye-opening audiobook. Mary Anne Franks skillfully dissects the blind worship of the Constitution in American society and offers a fresh perspective. Her writing is clear and concise, making it easy for listeners to follow along.

  • He
    Henry 23-Jul-2024

    Mary Anne Franks provides a well-reasoned critique of the Constitution in The Cult of the Constitution. Her arguments are backed by thorough research and presented in an engaging manner. This audiobook will challenge your beliefs and encourage critical thinking.

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