Sack Your Boss Audiobook Cover

Sack Your Boss

Lex McKee

Find freedom from your corporate job and start your own business with the help of "Sack Your Boss" by Christian Rodwell. This audiobook offers a proven five-step process for transitioning from employee to entrepreneur. Rodwell addresses common challenges such as overwhelm, lack of time, and indecision, helping listeners overcome these obstacles. By identifying their passions and motivations, readers can discover the best business idea suited to their interests. The audiobook also provides a personalized 90-day escape plan, empowering individuals to take action and build the life they desire. If you're tired of the rat race and want to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams, "Sack Your Boss" is the guide you've been waiting for.

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Sack Your Boss: A Guide to Escaping the Rat Race and Starting Your Own Business


Have you reached the point in your job where you've had enough? Do you dream of starting your own business and escaping the corporate nine-to-five grind? If so, then you're not alone. In the audiobook "Sack Your Boss," Christian Rodwell, the founder of Escape the Rat Race, provides a proven process for anyone looking to make the leap from employee to entrepreneur.

Overcoming Overwhelm and Confusion

When it comes to starting a new business, the choices can be overwhelming. Many people fall into the trap of over-analyzing their options and end up not taking any action at all. Rodwell addresses this issue by guiding readers through the decision-making process, helping them overcome overwhelm and confusion.

Fitting Your Business Around Your Life

One of the biggest challenges of starting a business while still employed is finding the time to balance both commitments. Rodwell dedicates an entire chapter to addressing this challenge, providing strategies and tips for fitting your new business around your full-time job and family commitments.

Discovering Your Passion

Not everyone knows exactly what type of business they want to start. Rodwell helps readers identify their true passions and motivations, guiding them to answer the question: "What would I love to do each day if money were no object?" By getting to know themselves better, readers can pinpoint the business idea that aligns with their personal interests and goals.

The Five Step Freedom Formula™

Christian Rodwell shares his five-step process, called the Five Step Freedom Formula™, for mapping out a successful transition from employee to entrepreneur. This formula provides a strategic and personalized plan tailored to each individual's goals and circumstances.

A Personal Development Plan

By the end of the audiobook, listeners will have all the tools they need to create their own 90-day escape plan. This plan, developed by Rodwell, combines personal development strategies with actionable steps towards building a successful business. Readers will have a clear roadmap to follow as they embark on their journey to escape the rat race.

Is It Time to Make a Change?

If you resonate with any of the following statements, then "Sack Your Boss" is just what you need:

  • You feel trapped in a cycle of trading your time for money at a job that brings you no fulfillment.
  • You know you are capable of achieving greatness, but feel held back by your current situation.
  • You struggle to get ahead financially and break free from bad debt.
  • You're exhausted from the daily grind of commuting and navigating company politics.
  • You feel limited by your earning potential and long for true wealth.
  • You never have enough time for yourself or the important people in your life.
  • You're tired of asking permission to take time off and want more freedom.
  • You dream of a location-independent lifestyle that allows you to explore the world.

Take Action and Transform Your Life

If escaping the rat race and starting your own business is something you truly desire, then take heart. Christian Rodwell has done it himself, and he guides people through this process every week. By following the proven five-step formula outlined in "Sack Your Boss," you can gain clarity on your goals, overcome your fears, and make the bold transition from frustrated employee to unstoppable entrepreneur. This audiobook will change your life.

©2018 Christian Rodwell (P)2019 Christian Rodwell

Additional Info

Book Name: Sack Your Boss
Book Format: AudiobookFormat
Authors: Christian Rodwell
Narrators: Lex McKee
Genres: Business & Careers
Audiobook Length: 5H35M
Publisher: Rodwellbeing Publishing
Language: English
Publish Date: 2019-11-15
Last Price: 14.95 USD

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is the book 'Sack Your Boss' about?

The book is about a proven process for individuals currently employed but looking to start their own business and escape the corporate nine to five job.

What challenges does the book address?

The book addresses challenges such as overwhelm, confusion, and over-analyzing options for too long, finding time to start a business alongside a full-time job and family commitments, and not knowing what business would be best suited initially.

What is the five-step freedom formula™?

The five-step freedom formula™ is a process outlined in the book to help individuals map out their own 'nine-to-five escape plan' and start a business they love.

What is the purpose of the 90-day escape plan?

The purpose of the 90-day escape plan is to provide a specific and personalized personal development plan to help individuals break free from their current situation and start their own business.

Who is the author of the book?

The author of the book is Christian Rodwell.

What is the publisher of the book?

The publisher of the book is Rodwellbeing Publishing.

What do listeners gain from the book?

Listeners gain true clarity on their life goals, learn how to focus their attention on achieving them, and make the transition from employee to entrepreneur. They also face their fears and hesitations, assess their finances, and create a 90-day escape plan.

Are there any reviews about the audiobook?

Yes, there are user reviews about the audiobook. One listener found it insightful and inspiring, and appreciated the step-by-step process presented.


11 reviews for this audiobook
  • Em
    Emily 05-Oct-2023

    This audiobook provides valuable insights and practical advice on how to quit your corporate job and start your own business. I found it incredibly helpful and inspiring.

  • Da
    David 09-Oct-2023

    Sack Your Boss is like a roadmap to freedom. The author shares his own journey and guides you step-by-step towards financial independence. A must-listen for anyone wanting to escape the 9-to-5 grind.

  • Je
    Jessica 19-Oct-2023

    I couldn't put this audiobook down! It's filled with real-life stories and actionable tips that will empower you to take control of your career and live life on your own terms.

  • Mi
    Michael 31-Oct-2023

    Sack Your Boss is a game-changer! The author's passion for entrepreneurship is contagious, and his advice is practical and easy to implement. Highly recommended for aspiring business owners.

  • Ol
    Olivia 24-Nov-2023

    Forget about the traditional career path. This audiobook will open your eyes to the possibilities of creating your own success. It's time to take the leap and sack your boss!

  • Da
    Daniel 04-Dec-2023

    Christian Rodwell knows what he's talking about. This audiobook is packed with wisdom and strategies that can help you build a profitable business and live life on your own terms.

  • So
    Sophia 09-Jan-2024

    I wish I had discovered this audiobook sooner! It's a goldmine of practical advice and insights for anyone who wants to escape the corporate world and start their own business.

  • Lo
    Logan 16-Jan-2024

    If you're tired of working for someone else and dream of being your own boss, this audiobook is a must-listen. It's filled with motivation, guidance, and actionable steps for success.

  • Av
    Ava 25-Feb-2024

    This audiobook is a breath of fresh air. It challenges the traditional career mindset and encourages you to take control of your own destiny. Highly recommended!

  • Et
    Ethan 19-Apr-2024

    Sack Your Boss is a game-changer for anyone who wants to escape the daily grind and achieve financial independence. The author's passion and expertise shine through in every chapter.

  • Am
    Amelia 18-Jun-2024

    Christian Rodwell's writing style is engaging and relatable. This audiobook feels like a conversation with a trusted friend who wants to help you succeed. A must-listen!

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