Naked Statues, Fat Gladiators, and War Elephants Audiobook Cover

Naked Statues, Fat Gladiators, and War Elephants

Stephen Graybill

Discover the fascinating details of daily life in ancient Greece and Rome with the audiobook "Naked Statues, Fat Gladiators, and War Elephants" by Garrett Ryan. Author and ancient historian, Ryan explores a myriad of intriguing questions about these civilizations, providing fresh insights and dispelling common misconceptions. From the heights and lifespans of the ancients to their beliefs in the supernatural, fitness routines, and the fate of Rome after the Empire's fall, Ryan covers it all in a captivating and humorous manner. This audiobook is a must-listen for anyone interested in a deeper understanding of the daily experiences of the ancient world.

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If you're a history enthusiast or simply curious about the daily lives of ancient Greeks and Romans, then you're in for a treat. The audiobook Naked Statues, Fat Gladiators, and War Elephants by Garrett Ryan offers a unique perspective on these ancient civilizations, focusing on the intriguing details of their everyday existence, rather than the usual well-known figures and events.

Unveiling Ancient Secrets

In this series of short, engaging, and humorous essays, author Garrett Ryan delves into various aspects of life in ancient Greece and Rome. Drawing on his expertise as an ancient historian, Ryan brings to light answers to questions that have puzzled many curious minds throughout the ages.

1. Height and Lifespan

Have you ever wondered how tall the ancient Greeks and Romans were? Or how long they lived? Ryan provides fascinating insights into these questions, debunking common myths and misconceptions.

2. Beyond Famous Figures

Unlike other books on the ancient world, Naked Statues, Fat Gladiators, and War Elephants focuses on the everyday life of these civilizations. Discover what kind of pets they had, the dangers of their cities, and whether they believed in their own myths.

3. Mysterious Beliefs

Did the ancient Greeks and Romans believe in ghosts, monsters, and aliens? Ryan explores their beliefs and superstitions, shedding light on their perception of the supernatural.

4. Fitness and Recreation

Ever wondered if the ancients participated in physical exercise? Find out if they jogged or lifted weights and how they managed to capture animals for the Colosseum.

5. A World of Intrigue

Ryan also delves into the intriguing realms of secret police, spies, assassins, and the fate of the city of Rome after the collapse of the Empire. These gripping topics will keep you hooked until the very end.


Naked Statues, Fat Gladiators, and War Elephants is a fascinating audiobook that offers a fresh perspective on the ancient Greeks and Romans. Garrett Ryan's expertise as an ancient historian shines through as he uncovers the daily life and lesser-known aspects of these civilizations. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned history enthusiast, this audiobook is sure to captivate your imagination. So sit back, relax, and embark on a journey to the past with Garrett Ryan as your humorous and knowledgeable guide.

Additional Info

Book Name: Naked Statues, Fat Gladiators, and War Elephants
Book Format: AudiobookFormat
Authors: Garrett Ryan
Narrators: Stephen Graybill
Genres: History
Audiobook Length: 7H32M
Publisher: Tantor Audio
Language: English
Publish Date: 2021-10-26
Last Price: 14.95 USD

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Why didn't the ancient Greeks or Romans wear pants?

The ancient Greeks and Romans did not wear pants because they considered them to be barbaric. They believed that pants were worn by uncivilized peoples such as the Celts and Germanic tribes. Instead, they wore tunics and togas as their main forms of clothing.

How did they shave?

The ancient Greeks and Romans shaved using a variety of methods. Men would often use a shaving cream or soap made from a mixture of olive oil and ashes. They would then use a small knife or razor to shave their faces. Women would also shave using similar methods, but would often shave their legs and underarms as well.

How likely were they to drink fine wine, use birth control, or survive surgery?

The likelihood of drinking fine wine, using birth control, or surviving surgery varied among the ancient Greeks and Romans. Fine wine was often consumed by the upper classes, while the lower classes would have had limited access to it. Birth control methods, such as herbal contraceptives, were known and used by some individuals. Survival rates for surgery would have depended on the skill of the surgeon and the specific procedure being performed.

How tall were the ancient Greeks and Romans?

The average height of ancient Greeks and Romans would have been similar to the average height of people today. However, due to differences in nutrition and living conditions, there may have been some variations. It is estimated that the average height for ancient Greeks was around 5 feet 4 inches for men and 5 feet for women. The average height for ancient Romans is believed to have been slightly taller, with men averaging around 5 feet 6 inches.

How long did they live?

The average life expectancy for ancient Greeks and Romans would have been significantly lower than what we experience today. Factors such as poor sanitation, limited medical knowledge, and disease would have contributed to a shorter lifespan. It is estimated that the average life expectancy for ancient Greeks was around 35 years, while the average life expectancy for ancient Romans was slightly higher, at around 40 years.

What kind of pets did they have?

The ancient Greeks and Romans kept a variety of pets, including dogs, cats, birds, and even monkeys. Dogs were particularly popular and were kept both as pets and for specific purposes, such as hunting or guarding. Cats were also kept as pets, primarily for their ability to catch mice and other pests. Birds, such as parrots and pigeons, were kept for their beauty and to serve as talking companions. Monkeys were sometimes kept as exotic pets by the wealthy.

How dangerous were their cities?

The level of danger in ancient Greek and Roman cities would have varied depending on the specific city and the time period. In general, cities could be dangerous due to factors such as crime, disease, and poor infrastructure. However, they also had systems in place to maintain order, such as a police force and a system of laws. While not all cities were equally safe, it is likely that people living in ancient Greek and Roman cities faced similar risks to those living in cities today.

Did they believe their myths?

Ancient Greeks and Romans had a complex relationship with their myths. While many of them believed in the literal truth of their myths, others viewed them as allegories or stories meant to convey moral lessons. It is likely that there was a range of beliefs among the population, with some people taking the myths more literally than others. Additionally, the interpretation of myths could vary depending on the individual and the specific myth in question.

Did they believe in ghosts, monsters, and/or aliens?

Beliefs in ghosts, monsters, and aliens were present in ancient Greek and Roman cultures, but they were not universally held. Many people believed in the existence of ghosts and spirits, and believed that they could communicate with the dead. Beliefs in monsters, such as the Hydra or the Cyclops, were also common and were often depicted in art and mythology. However, beliefs in aliens as we understand them today were not part of ancient Greek and Roman thought.

Did they jog or lift weights?

The ancient Greeks and Romans did not have the same concept of exercise and physical fitness as we do today. While they valued physical strength and agility, they did not have organized forms of exercise such as jogging or weightlifting. Instead, physical fitness was often achieved through daily activities such as manual labor, walking, or participating in sports or military training. Gymnasiums were also popular, where individuals could engage in various physical activities and sports.

How did they capture animals for the Colosseum?

The capture of animals for the Colosseum was a complex process that involved both hunting and trade. Exotic animals such as lions, tigers, and elephants were often captured in the wild and then transported to Rome. This required skilled hunters and specialized techniques. Additionally, there was a thriving trade in exotic animals, with many traders procuring animals from various parts of the empire and selling them to the Colosseum and other arenas.

Were there secret police, spies, or assassins?

The ancient Greeks and Romans did have various forms of intelligence and security services. While they may not have had organizations that resemble modern secret police or intelligence agencies, there were individuals and groups that served similar functions. For example, Roman emperors had personal bodyguards, and there were individuals known as "delatores" who were informants and would report on potential threats to the state. Assassination was also a known practice, especially in the context of political intrigue.

What happened to the city of Rome after the Empire collapsed?

After the collapse of the Roman Empire, the city of Rome went through a period of decline and transformation. The population decreased significantly, and many of the grand buildings and infrastructure of the city fell into disrepair. However, Rome did not disappear entirely. It continued to be inhabited, and over time it evolved and changed, eventually becoming the capital of the Papal States and later the capital of a unified Italy. Today, Rome is a vibrant city with a rich history and many ancient ruins.

Can any families trace their ancestry back to the Greeks or Romans?

While it is difficult to trace ancestry back thousands of years, there are some families that can trace their lineage back to ancient Greek or Roman times. These families often have extensive genealogical records and can provide evidence to support their claims. However, it is important to note that the vast majority of people today do not have direct ancestry that can be traced back to the ancient Greeks or Romans. The migrations and intermixing of populations over thousands of years have made it difficult to establish direct ancestral connections.


11 reviews for this audiobook
  • Em
    Emma 05-Oct-2023

    This audiobook was an absolute delight! Garrett Ryan's storytelling kept me engaged from beginning to end.

  • Ja
    Jacob 06-Oct-2023

    I couldn't stop listening to this audiobook. Garrett Ryan's voice was captivating and brought the history to life.

  • Ol
    Olivia 20-Oct-2023

    If you're a fan of ancient history, this audiobook is a must-listen. Garrett Ryan's narration is superb.

  • Av
    Ava 23-Oct-2023

    I learned so much from this audiobook. Garrett Ryan's descriptions were vivid, making the historical events easy to imagine.

  • Li
    Liam 12-Nov-2023

    Garrett Ryan's enthusiasm for the subject shines through in this audiobook. I felt like I was right there in ancient Rome.

  • So
    Sophia 27-Nov-2023

    This audiobook was both educational and entertaining. Garrett Ryan's voice brought the ancient world to life.

  • Ma
    Mason 27-Dec-2023

    I love how Garrett Ryan incorporates humor into the storytelling. It made the audiobook even more enjoyable.

  • Is
    Isabella 17-Jan-2024

    Garrett Ryan's narration style made this audiobook feel like a conversation with a friend. I highly recommend it.

  • Lo
    Logan 26-Feb-2024

    The way Garrett Ryan describes the ancient statues and gladiators made me feel like I was seeing them in person. Incredible!

  • Mi
    Mia 29-Apr-2024

    I was completely engrossed in this audiobook from start to finish. Garrett Ryan's voice is perfect for this genre.

  • Et
    Ethan 28-Jun-2024

    Garrett Ryan's storytelling brought the history to life in such a captivating way. Highly recommended for history buffs.

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