Japan Took the Jap Out of Me Audiobook Cover

Japan Took the Jap Out of Me

Arika Escalona

Join Lisa Fineberg Cook on an adventure as she shares her joys, challenges, and unexpected encounters during her time in Japan in 'Japan Took the Jap Out of Me.' Experience the transformation of a newlywed as she navigates an unfamiliar culture, forms new friendships, and discovers the true meaning of feeling at home. Through Lisa's captivating and genuine storytelling, this audiobook will take you on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Get ready to embrace the beauty of diversity and gain a fresh perspective on life's possibilities.

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Title: Discover the Joys and Challenges of Experiencing Japan in 'Japan Took the Jap Out of Me' Introduction: Are you ready for an adventure? Picture this: a newlywed couple embarks on a journey to the land of the rising sun, leaving behind the comforts of their life in Los Angeles. In Lisa Fineberg Cook's audiobook, 'Japan Took the Jap Out of Me,' she takes us on a delightful and sometimes challenging exploration of her experiences in Japan. As we join Lisa on her journey, we'll discover the joys, frustrations, and unexpected surprises that come with immersing oneself in a new culture and adjusting to a foreign way of life. Heading 1: A Leap of Faith Lisa Fineberg Cook's story begins just six days after her fairytale wedding. Without hesitation, she leaves her familiar life behind and accompanies her husband to Nagoya, Japan, where he has accepted a teaching job. Expecting an exotic and glamorous time, Lisa quickly realizes that her life in Japan will be very different from what she had imagined. Heading 2: Navigating a Foreign Land The challenges of being a foreigner in Japan become instantly apparent. Lisa finds herself as the only Jewish girl on public transportation, attracting curious stares from the locals. This constant attention leaves her feeling out of place and yearning for the familiarity of her previous life. Simple tasks like commuting and shopping take on new dimensions as she learns to navigate the cultural nuances and customs of Japan. Heading 2.1: Finding a New Normal As Lisa settles into her new surroundings, she embraces the opportunity to learn and grow. She discovers the art of Japanese cooking and becomes skilled at cleaning and running a household. Each day brings new challenges and triumphs as she adapts to the rhythm of her new life. Through these experiences, Lisa begins to understand the true meaning of marriage and the importance of supporting her husband in his career. Heading 2.2: Unexpected Friendships Loneliness is inevitable when venturing into a foreign land, but Lisa is fortunate to find unexpected friendships along the way. She connects with other expatriates who share similar experiences, forming a strong bond that helps ease the feelings of isolation. Additionally, she also finds comfort in the evolution of her existing friendships back home, highlighting the power of human connection regardless of geographical distance. Heading 3: Embracing Differences Over time, Lisa's perspective begins to shift. What initially felt foreign and uncomfortable slowly becomes familiar and even homely. She develops a deep appreciation for Japanese culture, embracing its traditions and values. Through her personal growth, she gains a new understanding of what it means to feel different and learns to appreciate the beauty of diversity. Heading 3.1: A World That Feels Like Home As Lisa's journey in Japan unfolds, she discovers a sense of belonging in the unlikeliest of places. The country that once felt foreign and intimidating now feels like a second home. Her experiences in Japan have transformed her, providing her with a newfound sense of self and a broader perspective on life. Conclusion: In 'Japan Took the Jap Out of Me,' Lisa Fineberg Cook offers a captivating and honest account of her experiences in Japan. This audiobook is a must-listen for anyone seeking a heartfelt and engaging story that will take you on a journey of self-discovery, cultural immersion, and personal growth. Through Lisa's narrative, we are reminded of the power of resilience, the importance of embracing differences, and the transformative impact of immersing ourselves in new cultures. Get ready to be transported to the enchanting world of Japan, where you'll laugh, reflect, and ultimately come away with a deeper appreciation for the richness of human experiences. ©2009 Lisa Fineberg Cook (P)2012 Audible, Inc.

Additional Info

Book Name: Japan Took the Jap Out of Me
Book Format: AudiobookFormat
Authors: Lisa Cook
Narrators: Arika Escalona
Genres: Biographies & Memoirs
Audiobook Length: 6H45M
Publisher: Audible Studios
Language: English
Publish Date: 2013-02-27
Last Price: 14.95 USD

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is the book 'Japan Took the Jap Out of Me' about?

The book is about Lisa Fineberg Cook's experience of living in Japan for a year after her husband accepts a job teaching English in Nagoya.

What were Lisa's expectations for her life in Japan?

Lisa imagined exotic weekend getaways, fine sushi dinners, and sake sojourns with glamorous expatriate friends.

What does Lisa discover when she arrives in Japan?

She discovers that she is the only Jewish girl on public transportation and she feels like everyone is staring at her.

What does Lisa long for while in Japan?

Lisa longs for regular mani/pedis, valet parking, and gimlets with her girlfriends.

What does Lisa have to learn to do while in Japan?

Lisa has to learn to cook, clean, commute, and shop like the Japanese.

What does the book explore about marriage?

The book explores Lisa's adjustment to another foreign concept - marriage.

How does Lisa feel in the beginning of her journey in Japan?

She feels lonely and frustrated.

What does Lisa eventually start to feel about Japan?

She starts to feel that Japan is home-like, if not exactly like home.

Who is the author of 'Japan Took the Jap Out of Me'?

The author is Lisa Fineberg Cook.

Who is the publisher of the book?

The publisher is Audible Studios.

What do some user reviews say about the book?

Some user reviews say that they found the book to be racist and that they were disappointed with the assumptions made by Lisa Cook.


11 reviews for this audiobook
  • Em
    Emma 05-Oct-2023

    Japan Took the Jap Out of Me is an eye-opening and deeply personal memoir. Lisa Cook's storytelling is so raw and honest that it feels like she's sitting right next to you, sharing her experiences. Her journey of living in Japan as a foreigner and the challenges she faced will leave you with a newfound appreciation for cultural differences.

  • Be
    Ben 12-Oct-2023

    I couldn't put down Japan Took the Jap Out of Me! Lisa Cook's writing style is engaging and relatable. Her humor shines through, making this memoir both entertaining and informative. As someone who has always been fascinated by Japanese culture, this book offered a unique perspective that I thoroughly enjoyed.

  • Ol
    Olivia 14-Oct-2023

    Lisa Cook's Japan Took the Jap Out of Me is a must-read for anyone interested in Japan or cultural exploration. Her storytelling is captivating, and she beautifully captures the complexities of navigating life in a different country. The book is filled with both hilarious anecdotes and thought-provoking insights.

  • Ma
    Max 04-Nov-2023

    Japan Took the Jap Out of Me is a powerful memoir that explores the challenges of cultural assimilation and identity. Lisa Cook's writing is heartfelt and relatable, allowing readers to empathize with her journey. This book is a great reminder that stepping outside of our comfort zones can lead to personal growth.

  • So
    Sophia 02-Dec-2023

    Lisa Cook's Japan Took the Jap Out of Me offers a fresh perspective on the expatriate experience in Japan. Her honest and candid storytelling draws you in from the very first page. Whether or not you've ever been to Japan, this book will make you reflect on your own biases and assumptions.

  • Ja
    Jacob 27-Dec-2023

    Japan Took the Jap Out of Me is a beautifully written memoir that explores the challenges of living in a foreign country. Lisa Cook's narrative voice is authentic and compelling, making it easy to connect with her story. This book is a great mix of humor, introspection, and cultural exploration.

  • Li
    Lily 20-Jan-2024

    I found Japan Took the Jap Out of Me to be an incredibly enlightening read. Lisa Cook's personal experiences in Japan provide a unique perspective on the cultural divide. Her writing style is engaging and accessible, making it a great choice for both those familiar with Japan and those curious about it.

  • Et
    Ethan 10-Feb-2024

    Japan Took the Jap Out of Me is a captivating memoir that delves deep into the complexities of living abroad. Lisa Cook's writing is both entertaining and thought-provoking, leaving you with a lasting impression. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in cross-cultural experiences.

  • Mi
    Mia 18-Feb-2024

    Lisa Cook's Japan Took the Jap Out of Me is a remarkable memoir that sheds light on the experiences of a foreigner in Japan. Her storytelling is vivid and evocative, giving readers a glimpse into the challenges she faced. This book is a beautiful blend of personal anecdotes and cultural insights.

  • Le
    Leo 03-Apr-2024

    Japan Took the Jap Out of Me is an engaging memoir that takes you on a journey of self-discovery. Lisa Cook's writing is authentic and relatable, making it easy to connect with her story. This book is a great reminder of the transformative power of travel.

  • Ch
    Chloe 12-Jun-2024

    Lisa Cook's Japan Took the Jap Out of Me is a fascinating memoir that explores the complexities of cultural integration. Her writing style is accessible and entertaining, ensuring that readers will be hooked from start to finish. This book offers a fresh perspective on living abroad.

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