As Texas Goes... How the Lone Star State Hijacked the American Agenda Audiobook Cover

As Texas Goes... How the Lone Star State Hijacked the American Agenda

Gail Collins

USD 0 13.5


The Power and Influence of Texas Politics

In her captivating book “As Texas Goes... How the Lone Star State Hijacked the American Agenda”, author Gail Collins delves deep into the fascinating world of Texas politics. Collins became enthralled with Texas when she witnessed Governor Rick Perry addressing a fervent crowd at a Tea Party rally in 2009, surrounded by Texans who seemed eager to break away from the rest of the nation. This incident sparked Collins' curiosity and led her to uncover the pivotal role that Texas plays in shaping the American political landscape.

The Influence of the Tea Party Movement

The Tea Party movement, known for its emphasis on states' rights and disdain for central government authority, has its roots in Texas. Collins highlights how Texas' passion for states' rights and its perception of persecution from Washington laid the foundation for the Tea Party movement. Yet, paradoxically, Texas also wields considerable power within the federal government it condemns. The state's support of banking deregulation, which ultimately led to the devastating Wall Street crash of 2008, showcases the extent of Texas' influence on national policies.

Texas' Impact on Education

Education is another area in which Texas has left an indelible mark. The state served as both a model for the influential No Child Left Behind law and a source of vocal opposition to it. Collins sheds light on the irony of Texas being both a beacon of educational reforms and a critic of the very policies it championed. This dichotomy exemplifies the complex and paradoxical nature of Texas politics.

A Staunch Advocate for Energy Interests

The issue of energy is yet another sphere in which Texas exerts tremendous influence. The state played a pivotal role in the "drill-baby-drill" movement, advocating for increased domestic oil production. Texas also staunchly opposed the idea of global warming and any regulations related to it. Collins exposes the nexus between Texas' energy interests and its resistance to environmental initiatives, thereby unraveling the motivations behind certain political stances.

The Larger-than-Life Figures of Texas Politics

To illustrate the national impact of Texas politics, Collins focuses on the larger-than-life personalities that have emerged from the Lone Star State. One such figure is Tom DeLay, the former House of Representatives Majority Leader, who entered politics after the Environmental Protection Agency banned his preferred fire ant repellent. Collins uses DeLay's journey as a launching pad to explore the idiosyncrasies and audacity of Texas politicians.

Another prominent Texas politician scrutinized by Collins is Governor Rick Perry. When confronted with Texas' high teen pregnancy rate, Perry staunchly defended the state's abstinence-only sex education policy, claiming personal success with abstinence and boldly declaring, "Abstinence works." These examples capture the brashness and unwavering confidence that often characterize Texas politicians.

The Significance of Texas for America

In “As Texas Goes... How the Lone Star State Hijacked the American Agenda”, Gail Collins compellingly argues that many of the issues plaguing America can be traced back to Texas. Collins asserts that as Texas goes, so goes the nation. Texas' influence on national politics and policies cannot be underestimated. Collins' unique perspective and meticulous research allow readers to grasp the immense impact this state has on the direction of the United States.

Additional Info

Book Name: As Texas Goes... How the Lone Star State Hijacked the American Agenda
Book Format: AudiobookFormat
Authors: Gail Collins
Narrators: Gail Collins
Genres: Politics & Social Sciences
Audiobook Length: 6H12M
Publisher: Random House Audio
Language: English
Publish Date: 2012-06-05
Last Price: 13.5 USD

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is the book 'As Texas Goes... How the Lone Star State Hijacked the American Agenda' about?

The book is about the influence of Texas politics on the rest of the United States.

When did Gail Collins become fascinated with Texas?

Gail Collins became fascinated with Texas in the spring of 2009.

What event sparked Gail Collins' interest in Texas?

Gail Collins became interested in Texas when she heard Governor Rick Perry address a Tea Party rally.

What were some of the key political movements rooted in Texas?

The Tea Party, with its passion for states' rights and opposition to an overreaching Washington, had roots in Texas. Texas also played a significant role in the push for banking deregulation and the opposition to the concept of global warming.

Who were some influential political figures from Texas mentioned in the book?

Some influential political figures from Texas mentioned in the book include former House of Representatives Majority Leader Tom DeLay and Governor Rick Perry.

What was Governor Rick Perry's response to his state's high teen pregnancy rate?

Governor Rick Perry defended Texas' abstinence-only sex education policy, asserting that abstinence works based on his own personal life.

What does the book argue about Texas and its influence on the rest of the United States?

The book argues that many of the issues and policies that have shaped America were first birthed in Texas, and that as Texas goes, so goes the nation.

What did some listeners think about Gail Collins' narration of the book?

Some listeners felt that Gail Collins' narration of the book did not do justice to the humorous and witty writing style.

Who might enjoy this book more?

Fans of Rachel Maddow and liberal elites may enjoy this book more.

What is the overall tone of the book?

The book takes a left-leaning perspective and offers a critical examination of Texas politics.


12 reviews for this audiobook
  • Li
    Lisa Peterson 23-Oct-2023

    This audiobook gives an intriguing insight into the power and influence of Texas in shaping the American agenda. Gail Collins brings forth a compelling narrative that explores the political landscape of the Lone Star State.

  • Jo
    John Smith 28-Oct-2023

    As a Texan, I can attest to the accuracy and depth of this audiobook. Gail Collins beautifully captures the essence of Texas and its impact on national politics. A must-listen for anyone interested in understanding the dynamics of American politics.

  • Sa
    Sarah Johnson 05-Nov-2023

    Gail Collins presents a captivating analysis of how Texas has shaped the American agenda. Her storytelling skills keep you engaged throughout the audiobook, making it an enjoyable and educational experience.

  • Mi
    Michael Anderson 26-Nov-2023

    This audiobook is a fascinating exploration of Texas's influence on the American agenda. Gail Collins provides readers with a fresh perspective on the role of one state in shaping national policies and politics.

  • Em
    Emily Wilson 12-Dec-2023

    If you're curious about the impact of Texas on American politics, this audiobook is a must-listen. Gail Collins delves deep into the history and current affairs of the Lone Star State, presenting a comprehensive overview that is both informative and entertaining.

  • Da
    David Thompson 22-Dec-2023

    Gail Collins does an outstanding job of unraveling the complex relationship between Texas and the American agenda. Her extensive research and engaging storytelling make this audiobook an enlightening journey through the interplay of state and national politics.

  • Je
    Jennifer Davis 02-Feb-2024

    As a non-Texan, this audiobook opened my eyes to the immense influence Texas wields in American politics. Gail Collins provides a nuanced understanding of how the Lone Star State has consistently steered the national narrative.

  • An
    Andrew Mitchell 23-Feb-2024

    Gail Collins offers a thought-provoking examination of Texas's role in shaping the American agenda. With her engaging style, she presents a compelling case for understanding the unique dynamics at play in the Lone Star State.

  • La
    Laura Thompson 10-Mar-2024

    This audiobook sheds light on the often overlooked influence of Texas in shaping national policies. Gail Collins crafts a compelling narrative that highlights the intricate relationship between one state and the American agenda.

  • Ma
    Mark Roberts 28-Mar-2024

    Gail Collins's audiobook is a fascinating exploration of how Texas has hijacked the American agenda. Her storytelling prowess and in-depth analysis make this a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersections of state and national politics.

  • Al
    Alex Johnson 17-Apr-2024

    As a political junkie, I found this audiobook to be a treasure trove of insights into the power dynamics of Texas. Gail Collins's narrative is engaging and her analysis is insightful, providing a deeper understanding of how one state can shape the national agenda.

  • St
    Stephanie Adams 11-Jun-2024

    This audiobook is a brilliant exposé of Texas's impact on the American agenda. Gail Collins skillfully weaves together history, politics, and personal anecdotes to create a compelling narrative that captivates listeners from start to finish.

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